Dear UNL Blog

This blog is to shed some light on campus life. We hope to maybe bring a few laughs as crazy, hilarious things happen to us on our day to day adventures on the campus of the great Cornhuskers. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 34 - Man on Sidewalk

Dear UNL, 

As we were wandering into the city campus union one afternoon, we discovered a very special man.  His name? Bartholomew.  He was last seen on one specific cement block outside the union....and will probably still be there.  He is dressed head to toe in black....including his skin.  He has no feet, or fingers, and is missing a neck.  If you see him, please let us know.  We would like to add him to our work team.

Thanks ever so much!  Stay classy, UNL.  We will always love you(and look for Bartholomew).

barney & killa

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