Dear UNL Blog

This blog is to shed some light on campus life. We hope to maybe bring a few laughs as crazy, hilarious things happen to us on our day to day adventures on the campus of the great Cornhuskers. Enjoy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 47- The Writing on The Wall

Dear UNL,

     This particular letter is about some writing we saw on the wall of the Biology Lecture Hall.  We were unsure of what it really meant, who wrote it, and, frankly, why they wrote it.  There were two statement's in particular that we saw, but only one(in the interest of politness and overall class) will be posted in the blog.

     First off, we'd like to say to Holly/Molly, we are sorry.  Yes, it's correct we aren't sure of the reasons as to why this was written.... but no one really like's having their name posted on a wall for everyone to see.  Secondly, it's not always a bad thing to be considered a nerd!  Use it to your advantage!

     The second picture/writing was dedicated to a certain Matt.  It called him a mean name and it really wasn't in the kind spirit of the UNL Huskers.  Needless to say, we're a little disappointed in the student body as of yet.  But things change.  Let's hope they change for the better.

      Stay classy, UNL.  We will always love you(and look for random graffiti on the walls).

killa & barney

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