Dear UNL Blog

This blog is to shed some light on campus life. We hope to maybe bring a few laughs as crazy, hilarious things happen to us on our day to day adventures on the campus of the great Cornhuskers. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 50-Snowpants ona Balmy day

Dear UNL,

     Please tell us why these people are dressed in snow suits.... when it's warmer than 75 degrees outside?!  We belived we missed a memo.  We mean, is this like the "MC Hammer Parachute Pants" thing that was going on for a little bit....back when America was lost about general fashion?  We don't really want to see other people walking around in snow suits in the dead of summer! 

     These people must be from somewhere REAAAAALLLY hot\warm if they think it's cold enough for snow pants.  Though, now that we think about it, where would they get snow pants, or why would they  have snow pants, if they hail from a place where 75 degrees is cold.  That was the part that really kind of stumped us.  Did they borrow them?  Or possibly *steal* them.  We hope not.

     Please keep us updated on the current, plausible fashion trends.  Stay classy, UNL.  We will always love you(and wonder about the people who chose strange clothing).  

killa & barney

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